Datasets The search form requires space separated keywords as inputs. Search is performed using the Boolean search operator AND and returns results that have all the provided keywords. Search Hand Corpus: Contributions: [DLR] DLR Dataset [Grasps of real objects] DLR Dataset [Human hand kinematic model for OpenSim] [HUST] HUST Dataset [Joint angles of human hand while executing the grasping tasks of Feix taxonomy] [NTUA] NTUA, Cyberglove Grasping Experiments [Grasping a variety of real objects (13 objects)] [OpenBionics] OpenBionics | NTUA [Affordable, Modular, Light-Weight, Underactuated Robot Hands] OpenBionics | NTUA [Anthropomorphic, Light-Weight, Affordable Prosthetic Hands] [Technion] Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Dataset (July 2020) [Human grasping dataset] [TU Berlin] TU Berlin Dataset [Human grasping dataset] TU Berlin Dataset 1 – IJRR [Humans enacting Feix grasps (33)] TU Berlin Dataset 2 – IJRR [A robot hand enacting Feix grasps (33)] [UNIPI] UNIPI | ASU Dataset [Grasping virtual objects, hand at contact] UNIPI Dataset [Static grasp postures] UNIPI Dataset [Grasping virtual objects] UNIPI Dataset [Kapandji Model] UNIPI Dataset [C3D Data Format] UNIPI | IIT SoftHand [Robot Hand] UNIPI – Haptic Exploration of Real Objects [Human Hand] UNIPI – Human hand kinematics – 20 DoF [Human Hand] [UPC] UPC Dataset [Capturing configurations of the hand while it moves in the free space]